SEINet Pteridophyte Data (SEINet)This dataset contains all pteridophyte specimens from the SEINet portal network that are not independently listed as collections in PteridoPortal. This includes the following collections: ALBC, ANHC, APCR, APSC, ARCH, ARIZ, ASC, ASDM, ASU, AUA, AUGIE, AVCH, AWC, BAYLU, BCH, BCMEX, BCWS, BDI, BDWR, BENN, BEREA, BHSC, BLM, BOON, BRIT, BRY, BTA, Bureau of Land Management, BUT, CALVIN, CATU, CAU, CGCC, CHAS, CIAD, CIBO, CLEMS, CM, CMC, CMN, COCO, COLO, CONV, CS, CSCN, DAV, DBG, DEK, DES, DOV, DSC, DSUND, DWC, ECUH, EIU, EKY, EMC, ENLC, ENMU, ENO, ERDC, ETSU, FARM, FHKSC, FLD, FMUH, FSU, FTG, FTU, FUGR, FWNC, GA, GAS, GEO, GMUF, GND, GREE, GSMNP, GSW, GVSC, Harvard, HBSH, HCHM, HCIAD, HCIB, HEND, HJAAA-FCB, HLSD, HOSP, HPC, HSU, HTTU, HUDC, HUNT, HXC, IBE, institutionCode, IPN, ISC, ISTC, IUP, JEF, JUFL, KBL, KE, KNFY, KNK, KSP, LAF, LCDI, LFCC, LOB, LSU, LSUA, LSUS, LUC, LYN, MARY, MCA, MDKY, MEM, MESA, MISS, MISSA, MMNS, MOAR, MOR, MOVC, MSUNH, MTSU, MUHW, MUR, MUSK, MWCF, MWI, NAVA, NBYC, NC, NCSC, NCZP, ND, NDOA, NEON, NHI, NLU, NO, NPS, NTSC, OBI, ODU, OKL, OKLA, OS, OSH, PAC, PAUH, PEMB, PIHG, PUA, PUSC, RARO, RENO, RMBL, SALK, SAU, SBAC, SBBG, SC, SCFS, SCIR, SD, SDSU, SEINet, SELU, SENEY, SFRP, SIM, SJNM, SLRO, SNM, SPIF, STAR, SUCO, SUU, SWANER, SWMT, SWRS, SWSL, TAC, TAES, TAWES, TCNJ, TENN, THIB, TLU, TREC, TROY, TSJC, TTC, TTRS, UADY, UAM, UARK, UAS, UAT, UCAC, UCHT, UCOL, UCR, UCSC, UNA, UNCA, UNCC, UNLV, UNM, UOS, uruza, URV, USAM, USCS, USF, USFS, USFS/BHSC, USFWS, USFWS-, USMS, USON, USU, Utah State University, UTEP, UTM, UVSC, UWFP, UWGB, UWL, UWM, UWSP, VCU, VDB, VMIL, VPI, VSC, VSUH, WASH, WCUH, Weber State University, WET, WEWO, WFU, WGC, WILLI, WIN, WINU, WLM, WS, WSC, WVW, ZNP. Localities, images, and coordinate data for specimens of protected species have been redacted and can be accessed directly through SEINet with the appropriate permissions. Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data harvested from a data aggregator Last Update: 17 March 2023 Digital Metadata: EML File Usage Rights: CC0 1.0 (Public-domain) Cite this collection: SEINet Pteridophyte Data. Occurrence dataset (ID: dfab8e8c-3fb6-4b11-abf8-2a62a7986d63) accessed via the PteridoPortal Portal, pteridoportal.org/portal, 2024-09-13). Collection Statistics
The PCC, and this data portal, were made possible by funding from the National Science Foundation’s
Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC) program, grant numbers
The pteridoportal taxonomic thesaurus is based on the
Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World, generously provided by Michael Hassler.