Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT)

The BRIT herbarium contains approximately 1,445,000 plant specimens from around the world, making it one of the largest herbaria in the United States.

Contacts: Alejandra Vasco,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 July 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Cite this collection:
Botanical Research Institute of Texas. Occurrence dataset (ID: ee036930-aebf-4b7a-a304-4b3f9f27a833) accessed via the PteridoPortal Portal,, 2024-07-27).
Collection Statistics
  • 26,428 specimen records
  • 5,749 (22%) georeferenced
  • 22,717 (86%) with images (22,893 total images)
  • 23,563 (89%) identified to species
  • 60 families
  • 334 genera
  • 3,332 species
  • 3,667 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Acrophorus (2)
  • Acrorumohra (1)
  • Arachniodes (36)
  • Athyrium (62)
  • Bolbitis (33)
  • Ctenitis (35)
  • Cyclodium (7)
  • Cyrtomidictyum (1)
  • Cyrtomium (65)
  • Cystopteris (3)
  • Didymochlaena (23)
  • Dryopteris (1810)
  • Elaphoglossum (456)
  • Filix (4)
  • Lastrea (2)
  • Lastreopsis (8)
  • Leptorumohra (1)
  • Lomagramma (4)
  • Megalastrum (43)
  • Mickelia (2)
  • Nephrodium (5)
  • Nephrolepis (3)
  • Olfersia (5)
  • Onoclea (20)
  • Parapolystichum (2)
  • Peltapteris (1)
  • Peranema (5)
  • Phanerophlebia (20)
  • Plecosorus (5)
  • Polybotrya (19)
  • Polystichum (801)
  • Pteridrys (1)
  • Rhipidopteris (8)
  • Rumohra (24)
  • Stigmatopteris (16)
  • Tectaria (21)
  • Teratophyllum (3)
  • Terpsichore (1)
  • Woodsia (99)